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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Demolition Texas Stadium Passed Away

Demolition Texas Stadium Passed Away on Television Today -- Legend Stadium in Texas passed away on April 11. Yeah... It was over. Texas Stadium fell down at 7:08 a.m. Sunday, in an implosion triggered by a series of 55 detonations a half-second apart.

So many memories that happened in Texas Stadium A few hundred feet north of the stadium, thousands of fans gathered tailgate-style to party one last time, in a scene that resembled so many pre-game parties of the past. But this time, there were tears of sadness and shrieks of agony that perhaps only true football fans can understand, as thousands of tons of concrete crashed to the ground.

On Sunday morning, Texas Stadium implosion brings a crowd of people. Dallas Cowboys for several decades at Texas Stadium. The Dallas Cowboys moved in 2008, and the building has been empty since. Demolition was planned for sixth months and children 11 years old won a writing contest and was the one chosen to set off the explosion early Sunday morning. Below is video of "Demolition Texas Stadium Passed Away ".

Tags: texas stadium, texas stadium demolition, dallas cowboys, dallas morning news, dallas mavericks
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