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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mooncalf become Hot Issue

Mooncalf become Hot Issue on Television Today -- Mooncalf was a appellation aforetime ascribed to the bootless fetus of a cow or added acreage animal, and aswell occasionally to that of a human. The appellation arose from the aforetime boundless belief, present in abounding European folk traditions, that such abnormal creatures were the artefact of the adverse access of the moon on fetal development.

The appellation came to be acclimated to aswell accredit to any aberrant or aberrant thing. Shakespeare, for instance, acclimated the appellation to call Caliban, the askew assistant of Prospero, in The Tempest.

Mooncalf is acclimated as a aspersing appellation to announce anyone is a dullard, fool or contrarily not decidedly ablaze or sharp. For example, W. C. Fields in "The Bank Dick" (1940) advises his -to-be son-in-law to abstain getting a "mooncalf" by affairs shares he has been beguiled into assertive are account abundant added than the proffered price. Bill O'Reilly featured the appellation Mooncalf on the O'Reilly Factor on 10/28/09. (Wilkipedia)

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